Configuration of detectors
The software section for the configuration of FAD100 smoke detector modules that the FA100 is equipped with, is divided into two sections, both the same, but each one dedicated to a specific detector module.
The two detector modules can be distinguished as follows:
1, left detector module
2, right detector module
If a detector module is enabled, by activating the “Enabled” option, the following parameters can be set:
editable name/label of the detector
Class, detector module classification (A, B or C according to EN 54-20)
Sensibility, smoke detector alarm threshold (x 10-5 dB/m)
Nominal flow rate, value of the nominal intake air flow in liters/minute
The value of these parameters should derive from a calculation performed using the software (refer to the specific section) or the pre-calculated tables supplied. Furthermore, it also depends on the design of the pipes and the location of the holes. Consequently, modifying these parameters might compromise the correct functioning of the device.
Warning, activation threshold of the smoke detection “warning”.
Expressed as a percentage and can be set between 20% and 100% (the latter value represents the alarm threshold).
Customized, the customized activation threshold.
Expressed as a percentage and can be set between 20% and 150% and therefore can take on extremely low values (“early” warning) or higher than the alarm threshold.
The box next to it allows you to give a name to this threshold (used for example in the Events log).
Flow fault, minimum (low flow) and maximum (high flow) measured flow failure thresholds, expressed as a percentage.
For example, a minimum threshold of -15% means that the device will report a low flow fault when the measured air flow is reduced by 15% of the nominal flow rate.
Temperature event, activation threshold of the “Temperature above threshold” event (used in I/O programming).
Expressed in °C and can be set between -20 and +60 °C.
Fast logging, in the detector history, this represents the level of smoke detected beyond which the data saving frequency going from 1 per minute (standard saving speed) to 1 every 3 seconds (higher speed which allows for a greater level of detail in the event of a fire).