CLICK HERE TO SEE THE QUALITY VIDEO For Inim, being one step ahead at all times means creating innovation at the highest levels. For this reason, aided by cutting-edge technologies, our experts put Inim products through rigorous quality controls every single day. All this so we can offer Italian products of excellence and give even greater security to your future.
A climatic chamber allows the testing of Inim devices at fixed or variable temperatures and humidity levels in accordance with pre-set cycles and curves.
It also validates their performance in relation to multiple operating conditions. And, makes estimates on their life cycles based on appropriate models.
A special tunnel, which generates artificial smoke and hot air allows the testing and validation of the response of fire detectors.
A photogoniometer detects the luminous flux of emergency lamps by means of a rotating arc arm equipped with sensors. This permits the measurement of width,
angle, stability and light colour temperature through dedicated software.
The same technique is used to analyze the luminous flux of intrusion and fire detection sounder-flashers.
INIM is the first company in the sector in Italy to have the latest generation apparatus dedicated to electromagnetic compatibility tests: the semi-anechoic chamber.
A hi-tech space, electromagnetically isolated from the external world, which allows accurate verification of electromagnetic disturbance generated by devices
and, at the same time, the verification of device immunity to the electromagnetic waves produced inside the chamber itself that simulate disturbance that might be
found in the ambient under the most extreme operating conditions
INIM’s laboratory equipment also makes it possible to carry out tests on conducted emissions and conducted and irradiated immunity to standardized disturbance, such as pulse trains, lightning strikes, voltage dips, voltage variations, electrostatic discharges and conducted disturbances induced by radiofrequency fields.
All this so we can offer Italian products of excellence and give even greater security to your future.